何维 讲师 工学博士
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(1)国家自然科学基金面上项目:项目题目,费托柴油燃料的理想结构初探,项目号:52176102,2022.01-2025.12, 在研,第二单位负责人;

(2)国家自然科学基金面上项目:项目题目,呋喃类生物质燃料的结构对其燃烧产物的影响研究,项目号:51776045,2018.01-2021.12, 已结题,参与;

(3)院级教改项目:中外合作办学背景下车辆工程专业双语课程的研究与实践, 2023.01-2025.12,在研;



[1]W. He,K .Chen, L. Zhu K Shen*Theoretical studies on the reaction kinetic of 2-acetylfuran with hydroxyl radical.ACS Omega.

[2]W. He, L. Zhang*Exploring the chemical kinetics of the first oxygen addition to

di-n-propyl ether radicals at low temperatures,ACS Omega8(2023) 9385–9393.

[3]W. He, Q. Xu, C. Xie, J. Yin, P. Li, Z. Wang, L. Zhang*, L. Wei* Experimental and kinetic modeling studies of 2-acetylfuran pyrolysis at atmospheric pressure,Combustion and Flame236 (2022) 111824.

[4]W. He, J. Lu, L. Zhang, J. Liu*, L. Wei*, Theoretical studies on the reaction kinetics of methyl 2-furoate with hydroxyl radical,Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics13(2022)1-9.

[5] C. Xu, W. Liu, B. Zhang, H. Liao,W. He*, L. Wei*, Experimental and numerical study on laminar premixed flame characteristics of 2-ethylfuran,Combustion and Flame234 (2021) 111631.

[6]TenglongLv,MinggaoXu,WeiHe,YifanZhang,WangLi,ShubaoSong,JiuzhongYang,LongZhao,LixiaWei.An experimental and kinetic modeling study on pyrolysis of chlorobenzene.Combustion and Flame.248(2023)112548

[7] J. Wang1,W. He1,C. Xie, Q. Xu, J. Z. Yin, Z. D. Wang,L.X. Wei*,Experimental and kinetic modeling studies of phenyl acetate pyrolysis at atmospheric pressure.Proceedings of the Combustion Institute.(2022)

[8]S. Song, J. Wang,W. He, J. Lu, H. Su, Q. Xu, J. Yang, Z. Cheng*, L.X. Wei*, Experimental and kinetic modeling studies of 2-ethylfuran pyrolysis at low and atmospheric pressures, Combustion and Flame 226 (2021) 430-444.

[9] C. Ao, S. Ruan,W. He,Y. Liu, C. He, K. Xu, L. Zhang*, Toward high-level theoretical studies on the reaction kinetics of PAHs growth based on HACA pathway: An ONIOM[G3(MP2,CC)//B3LYP:DFT] method developed, Fuel 301 (2021) 121052.

[10] C. Ao, S. Ruan,W. He, C. He, K. Xu, L. Zhang*, Theoretical investigation of chemical reaction kinetics of CO2and vinyl radical under catalytic combustion, Fuel 305 (2021).

[11] Z.Cheng*, W. Yin, J. Tian, W. He, J. Wang, J.Yang, L. Xing, B. Yan, G. Chen, Experimental and kinetic modeling studies of di-n-propyl ether pyrolysis at low and atmospheric pressures, Fuel 298 (2021).