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[8A-205]激光加工实训室(Laser Beam Machining Training Room)

发布日期:2019-09-09 12:14:34 作者:张杰权 浏览量:





The laser machining training room was founded in Sept. 2016, and to accept the training tasks for the whole students in campus. The training target is to strength the engineering students for mastering the principle and technology of laser machining on the one hand, to widen their knowledge view sight from science and art departments on the another hand, in order to enhance the comprehensive application ability and quality for the students.

There are 6 teaching types of E1310M laser engraving and cutting machines, ZTQ optical fiber laser marking system, ZTH-300-30M laser welding machine, ZT-532FG 3D laser internal graving machine, and ZT-J700A-6060 high precision laser cutting machine all together in the training room.

The training missions in the room, including the following programs: laser drilling, laser cutting, laser welding, laser heat treatment, and laser marking. According to the requirements for the different majors, the contents for the training were well-designed to enhance the training effects of the laser training model.

The condition of the training room not only can perform the relative learning and research projects for the students and teachers, but also accommodate the different level laser machining training, as well as provide a good service of laser machining for the local industry.

上一条:[8A-204]3D打印实训室(3D Printing Training Room)
下一条:[8A-208]钳工实训室(Bench work training room)
